Yesterday was HOT, damn HOT! The paper this morning reported that the temp was 102 degrees, with a heat index of 112 degrees. Now, even in the morning, it was hot. I’m sure these temperatures were the highs for the day, and I’m sure we were not riding with it feeling quite like that, but it was close, I promise you. We started at 0730 as I mentioned in the blog from Friday, and we were all off to a decent start. I did have my legs with me yesterday, unlike last weekend and I felt pretty darn good for the most part. I did sweat my backside off and consumed tons of water and ‘Gu.’ About 7 miles from the end, one of the riders cramped up really bad. It’s just a reminder that even the most seasoned riders have issues in the heat; it’s nothing to take lightly! I did ride better then last week, I finished the 41 mile route 45 minutes faster then last week even though it was hotter outside.
Following the ride, we were all sitting around complaining about the heat (of course). Everyone has their own methods to beat the heat, stay hydrated, and prevent cramping. There are all sorts of products out there to keep you going, salt and electrolyte tablets, gu packs, little fizzy tablets you drop in your water, water and more water... I could go on forever. One guy even mentioned drinking de-fizzed cola, for the sugar and caffeine. Though, I’m not too sure that’s for heat, more of an energy fix when you’re exhausted. The best way to beat the heat for all practical purposes is to just stay home and in the air conditioning... or go to a friends house with a pool and drink beer all day! But, for those of us that were twisted enough to be out there in the heat we all have our own methods, what works best for us individually. This is what I try to do: 1. drink a bottle of water (16oz) every 30-45 minutes, with some sort of electrolyte replacement, (I liked the HEED, and some of the guys swear by Perpetuem, both of which are made by Hammer nutrition) 2. Eat a Gu every 30-45 minutes rather then every hour in normal temperatures, 3. Lots and lots of sunscreen, 4. Dial back the pace a few notches, 5. Pray that there’s shade along the route, 6. If need be, STOP and take a break, there’s no point in killing yourself on a training ride, and last but not least... 7. Don’t ride with a hangover!
I’m not good with remembering my camera! I really wanted to take some pictures along the ride this time around, but I once again, forgot the camera. It might have been a good thing because instead of posting pictures, I found some links to share of the areas where we rode yesterday. More information, better photography too... take a look below. Plus, we were ‘kindly’ reminded by a local Chappell Hill resident yesterday that the town goes through a lot to keep up the public areas in the town where we park to start our ride. She did tell us that there’s a donation box for us to drop in some cash to help offset the cost to the town. It’s a very good idea, and I know I really appreciate the little area which they have set aside and refurbished. I think maybe she needs to work on her public relations and delivery skills though, she came across as a little rude, but hey, it’s her town. So, if anyone plans to ride out there... take a $5 or a $10 and throw it in the box. It’s the least we can do for using the public facilities that are available and obviously maintained on private money.
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