Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Presidential campaigning...

Here's the lastest email from the LIVESTRONG Army...

Cancer enters the '08 political race.

Dear Andrea,

Four years ago cancer was not mentioned during the presidential election campaign. Today, the LIVESTRONG Army has made fighting cancer part of the national dialogue. For the next five days leading media, presidential candidates and citizens across the country will discuss how to stop the number one killer of all Americans under the age of 85.

Next Monday, August 27, and Tuesday, August 28, I will walk onto the stage at the U.S. Cellular Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to ask the presidential hopefuls to share their ideas and strategies on how to fight cancer in the first-ever LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum. This historic event will be discussed on NBC's Meet the Press with Tim Russert, webcast live on MSNBC.com and featured on Hardball with Chris Matthews.
As a member of the LIVESTRONG Army, I need your help to make sure Americans across the country are tuned in, asking questions and demanding answers from the presidential candidates.

Watch Meet the Press with Tim Russert. I will be a guest on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, August 26, talking about the LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum. Check local listings for times and channels.

Watch the LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum. MSNBC will webcast the LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum live at 10:00 am CT on August 27 and 28. MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews will be broadcast live from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, each night.
Click this link on Monday, August 27, and Tuesday, August 28, to load MSNBC.com's video player to watch the Forum.>> Check MSNBC's local listings for times and channels to view Hardball with Chris Matthews on MSNBC on Monday and Tuesday evening.

Spread the word. Click here to forward this email to friends encouraging them to tune into the LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum.

Download and post the LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum posters in offices, gyms, coffee shops and other places with high traffic.

LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum puts critical questions about fighting cancer on a national platform. Please join me in making history by raising awareness for the LIVESTRONG Presidential Cancer Forum.

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